Riwaka Rugby Club Membership

Junior (JAB) Player Membership

Junior Player membership is open to any players from the age of 5 until they go to secondary school.

Junior player membership provides:

  • Playing Kit (except boots),
  • Boot swap,
  • Tasman Rugby Union Fees, and
  • Updates and newsletters from the rugby club.

Junior player membership costs $40.00 for an individual or $70.00 for a family per season.

Bank Transfer into our NBS Bank Account 03-1354-0244170-01. Please use your child's name as the reference.

Email - riwakajab@gmail.com

Email - riwakajab@gmail.com

Senior Mens Player Membership

Senior player membership provides:

  • Access to excellent coaching,
  • Playing Kit (except boots),
  • Dress Shirt,
  • Gym membership,
  • Access to our player development programme,
  • Weekly washing of rugby tops,
  • Tasman Rugby Union Fees, and
  • Updates and newsletters from the rugby club.

Senior player membership costs $150.00 per season.

Bank Transfer into our NBS Bank Account 03-1354-0244170-00. Please use your full name and "Subs" as a reference.

Email - admin@riwakarugbyclub.nz

Email - admin@riwakarugbyclub.nz

Volunteer Membership

Volunteer Membership
Volunteer Membership

Volunteers are welcome at all levels of the club. You can choose to help out in a formal capacity or just help out as required.

Volunteer membership provides:

  • New friends and camaraderie,
  • Tangible support for rugby in your local community, and
  • Updates and newsletters from the rugby club.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at Riwaka Rugby Football Club, visit the registrations tab and register or email us.

Email - admin@riwakarugbyclub.nz

Email - admin@riwakarugbyclub.nz

100 Club Membership

100 Club Membership is open to anyone who wishes to support the Riwaka Rugby Football Club and wants to participate in the annual $100 club raffle.

For a $100.00 fee, you can become a 100 Club non playing member and:

  • Support rugby in your local community,
  • Get updates and newsletters from the rugby club, and
  • Go in the draw to win prizes.

50% of all money taken is returned to members as raffle winnings.

Bank Transfer into our NBS Bank Account 03-1354-0244170-00. Please use your full name and membership type as a reference.

Email - admin@riwakarugbyclub.nz

Email - admin@riwakarugbyclub.nz

Social Membership

Social Membership is open to anyone who wishes to support the Riwaka Rugby Football Club.

For a small $20.00 fee, you can become a non playing member and:

  • Support rugby in your local community, and
  • Receive updates and newsletters from the rugby club.

Bank Transfer into our NBS Bank Account 03-1354-0244170-00. Please use your full name and membership type as a reference.

Email - admin@riwakarugbyclub.nz

Email - admin@riwakarugbyclub.nz

Gym Membership - JT Fitness

Gym membership is open to the whole community.

Please visit http://www.soulutionzsports.nz/jt-fitness for the latest information and prices.

Email - jtfitnessriwaka@gmail.com

Email - jtfitnessriwaka@gmail.com

Lifetime & Honorary Membership

The Riwaka Rugby Football Club has two levels of service membership under the current constitution - life and honorary.

Life Membership - in recognition of outstanding service to the club.
Honorary Membership - in recognition of services to the club over a period of time.

The club has bestowed Life Membership to 22 members and Honorary Membership to 2 members since 1968.
Life Members
Maurice Soane 1968
Ted Reed 1968
Ken Goodall 1985
Graeme Reed 1985
Tony Fry 1987
Patsy Reed 1988
Ernie Drummond 1989
John Soane 1993
Bill (Turtle) Curtain 1993
Richard Fry 1993
Terry Fry 1993
Peter Fry 1994
Murray Fry 1998
Carol Fowler 1998
John Fowler 1998
David Cederman 1999
M (Nookie) Hannen 2001
Allan (Buck) Rogers 2001
George Sturgeon 2001
Geoff Fry 2001
V (Fred) Jenkins 2004
Irene Drummond 2009
AA (Tony) Hill 2011
Joss Fry 2016
Julie Drummond 2016
Andy Drummond 2016
Honorary Members
Norma Goodall 1985
Greg Goodall 1987

Cooks Recreation Ground


To sign up call NPD
0800 544 6162

Our Funders

Lion Foundation

Mainland Foundation

Pub Charity

Platinum Sponsors


Diamond Sponsors

Hotel Motueka

Nelson Building Society

NZ Community Trust

Pub Charity Limited

Gold Sponsors

Fairfield Orchards

FMG Insurance

Lion Breweries

NS Rogers Garage

NZ Energy

Oji Fibre Solutions

Packaging Motueka

Rockgas Nelson


The Pines

Tumu Bins & Pallets

Contact Us

Email: adminblablabla@riwakarugbyclubblablabla.nz
P O Box 6024
RD3 Motueka

738 Main Road

Tel: 021 153 4653

Email: adminblablabla@riwakarugbyclubblablabla.nz
P O Box 6024
RD3 Motueka

738 Main Road

Tel: 021 153 4653

Website by WeDoWebsites.